[Girona] Fwd: FW: CES Database Development
Lluïsa Pascual
anupama.omm a gmail.com
dim feb 3 21:11:34 CET 2015
per la vostra informació, fins dissabte
From: ces a community-exchange.org
To: gemma.solanas.i a hotmail.com
Subject: CES Database Development
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 15:01:54 +0000
Community Exchange Network *Update* 2 February 2015
This *Update* is an occasional letter from the Administrator of the *Community
Exchange Network*
Dear Ecoxarxa Girona Administrator,
We emailed you last year explaining that we are transferring the data
relating to your exchange group into a new consolidated database so that
all data can eventually be migrated to our new platform that is being
Currently we are moving the transaction data to the new database. This is a
difficult job to do on a live server as a multitude of software changes
have to be made to accommodate the requirements of the new database.
Some pages are displaying data from the old database, while others are
displaying data from the new database. For this reason you may notice that
some figures do not add up or are different on different pages.
We apologise for the inconvenience but please be patient while we make this
changeover. No data will be lost. If you notice discrepancies please
understand that they are temporary.
If something remains broken for a long time please inform us, as we are
often not aware of how a small change on one page can have a large effect
on another page.
The transfer levies function is no longer available from the Admin
Management page. Instead of transferring accumulated levies, the levies
will now be automatically available to the "0000" account. This will
display in the Admin's statement of account.
Tim Jenkin
CES Admin
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Community Exchange Network Administration
Email: ces a community-exchange.org
Web: www.community-exchange.org
This web service is provided by the Community Exchange System (CES)
*The pleasure of sharing gives meaning to the blessing of having.*
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